Should you wish to construct on your property or to alter the exterior of your home in any way you are required to submit plans to the Architectural Revue Board (ARB) who must approve the modifications in writing to assure harmony with external design and location. PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ARB IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR HOME OR PROPERTY. Download ARB application here Emerald-Forest-arb-form
All construction must also comply with the zoning code of Orange County, Florida. The owner is responsible for obtaining all permits and inspections required by law.
The Emerald Forest Wall: Information for Homeowners whose property boundaries are along the Emerald Forest Wall. Follow this link for information on The Emerald Forest Wall
Additional information and questions contact the ARB via email here
Architectural Review Board (ARB) Criteria For Emerald Forest
The Architectural Review Board of Emerald Forest, pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, hereby establishes and adopts the following Criteria in order to carry out its functions and purposes as specified in the Declaration.
The Architectural Review Board of Emerald Forest has the authority to regulate the use and appearance of the exterior of all properties within Emerald Forest to assure harmony of external design and to protect and conserve the value and desirability of Emerald Forest as a residential community.
The Architectural Review Board has the authority to regulate all exterior changes to properties within Emerald Forest.
The Architectural Review Board has the authority to adopt, promulgate, rescind, amend, and revise the ARB Criteria in connection with its authority.
All definitions set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions are incorporated by reference into the Architectural Review Board Criteria as if fully set forth therein. Therefore, the Architectural Review Board adopts and promulgates these ARB Criteria. In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 1 – Procedures
1.1 No EXTERIOR change, alteration, addition, reconstruction, or attachment (hereinafter collectively “alteration”) may be made to any property until the plans and specifications for the alteration are submitted in a written application to the Architectural Review Board and are subsequently approved by the Architectural Review Board in writing. This includes any change, alteration, addition, reconstruction, or attachment that can be viewed from the outside of the home. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.2 The application must include the plans and specifications for an alteration including the nature, kind, shape, height, materials, locations, color and approximate cost of the alteration. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.3 The Architectural Review Board may request additional documentation or explanation of any proposed alteration. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.4 All applications for approval of an alteration shall be delivered to the Property Manager, and the Property Manager shall forward the application to the Architectural Review Board. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.5 The Architectural Review Board shall act on any application for approval of an alteration within 30 days of the date the application is received by the Property Manager. If the Architectural Review Board fails to act on an application with in thirty days of receipt by the Property Manager, the application is deemed approved. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.6 All actions of the Architectural Review Board in connection with an application for approval of an alteration shall be in writing, including approvals, disapprovals, or requests for additional information. Approval by the ARB does not supersede and must be secured in addition to any required Governmental permits, approvals or waivers and all must be obtained before any alterations may begin. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.7 Failure of a property owner to obtain Architectural Review Board approval for an alteration can result in a lawsuit by the Homeowners’ Association or any other property owner to enjoin or remove any structure, activity, use, change alteration or addition. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.8 Authority to enforce these ARB Criteria shall be vested in the Board of Directors of the Homeowners’ Association. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.9 A Property Owner may appeal in writing any decision of the Architectural Review Board within thirty days of the date of the decision by the Architectural Review Board. The written decision of the Architectural Review Board shall specify that the property owner shall have thirty days from the date of the decision by the Architectural Review Board within which to file an appeal to the Board of Directors of the Homeowners’ Association. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.10 A property owner who wishes to orally present an explanation of a proposed alteration, in addition to the required submission of written plans and specifications, shall so notify the Property Manager, upon submittal of the application, and an opportunity to be heard before the Architectural Review Board shall be provided prior to a decision by the Architectural Review Board. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.11 The Architectural Review Board, as a condition of approval of a proposed alteration, may require reasonable security to ensure the work will be completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, or to secure payment for any additional maintenance which may result from the alteration. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
1.12 These ARB Criteria supplement the provisions of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Emerald Forest. All proposed alterations must comply both with these ARB Criteria and with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Emerald Forest and Buena Vista Woods. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 2 – Fences and Walls
2.1 No fences or walls shall be constructed anywhere on the property other than to serve as a property line divider.
2.2 No temporary, partial, or half-walls may be constructed anywhere on the property.
2.3 Fences and walls shall be constructed of one of the following materials: wrought iron, brick, stucco covered block, ornamental aluminum or vegetation in the form of hedges.
2.4 No fence or wall may be constructed of exposed concrete, exposed concrete blocks, wood, plastic or other synthetic material. No fence, wall, or structure may be made with any unapproved material, including –but not limited to– chain or chain link, cage wire, chicken wire, or poultry fencing.
2.5 No fence or wall may be constructed closer than fifteen feet to the front of a primary living structure located on a property.
2.6 No fence or wall may exceed six (6) feet in height above the ground level of the adjoining Lots. An exception will be permitted for hedges used as a fence to grow to a maximum height of eight (8) feet above the ground level of the adjoining Lots.
2.7 No fence or wall may be painted unless the color is harmonious with the color of the residence. Proposed paint colors shall be subject to review and pre-approval of the Architectural Review Board.
2.8 Any fence or wall constructed on a lakefront lot shall be of a material, which will not obstruct the visual sight lines of neighbors as to the adjacent body of water or along a conservation easement.
2.9 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 3 – Antennas, Aerials, Disc and Flagpoles
3.1 No outside antennas, antenna poles, antenna masts, satellite television reception devices, electronic devices, antenna towers or citizen band (CB) or amateur hand (ham) antennas shall be permitted without prior written approval by the ARB. Once written approval has been secured, limit is one per property. A flagpole for display of only the current American flag (or those of the United States Armed Forces as described in Florida State Statute 720) shall be permitted, and only after receiving prior express written permission from the ARB, both as to its design, height, and location, to ensure it is displayed in a tasteful manner as described in Chapter 720. No flagpoles shall be used as an antenna.
3.2 No other flag of any kind is to be displayed under any circumstance. 3.2 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 4 – Docks
4.1 In addition to ARB approval, all docks must have all necessary permits issued by appropriate governmental authorities.
4.2 No owner shall be permitted to construct more than one (1) dock for use on each Lot. 4.3 All docks must be constructed perpendicular to the shoreline.
4.4 All docks must be constructed and located at least ten feet from the side Lot line of the Property.
4.5 No dock may extend more than forty feet into the lake from the normal high water line of the lake.
4.6 The total area of a dock cannot exceed two hundred twenty five square feet. This limitation is subject to the discretion of the Architectural Review Board to grant an exception for a wooden walkway or dock, no more than four feet wide, if necessary to accommodate shallow water.
4.7 No dock can exceed two feet over the normal high water elevation.
4.8 All docks shall be of wood construction and must be properly treated for weather proofing and water sealant.
4.9 Any lighting installed on docks must be limited to standard low voltage lighting systems. No high voltage or floodlights shall be permitted.
4.10 The Architectural Review Board recommends that all docks have installed a swimmer’s safety bar and reflectors for visibility in low light conditions.
4.11 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 5 – Signs (Sign restrictions are covered in the EF Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions but are repeated here for clarity and completeness)
5.1 No signs, freestanding or otherwise installed, shall be erected or displayed to the public view of any Lot or from within any residence without the prior express written permission of the ARB, with the exception of the following:
5.2.1 A “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign of not greater than five (5) square feet in size, hung from a wooden cantilever post and being of the standard preprinted type commonly used by realtors, which may only be located in the front yard of the Lot, and which must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the sale closing or rental occupancy;
5.3 Preprinted standard political signs supporting candidates for election, which must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the election is concluded. 5.4 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 6 – Exterior Structures
6.1 Sheds or storage buildings shall not be permitted on any property without prior express written approval from the ARB. At the time of request by the OWNER, the ARB will provide a list and description of the types of sheds and locations that are permitted.
6.2 No exterior structures may be constructed on any utility easement without a properly adopted modification to that easement by the party in whose favor the easement is granted.
6.3 No structure of a temporary character including, but not limited to, trailers, tents, shacks, sheds, barns, tree houses or out building shall be parked or erected on the Property at any time without the express written permission of the ARB.
6.4 No structures of any kind shall be permitted that would house any kind of animal or pet, including but not limited to dogs, cats, birds, fish, snakes, or any other animal or pet.
6.5 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 7 – Color Changes to Residence, Trim, or Any Structures
Sherwin Williams Approved Paint Schemes PALETTE
7.1 Homes will require painting if:
7.1.1 The paint is chalking.
7.1.2 The paint is worn away.
7.1.3 The paint is mottled / faded.
7.1.4 Stucco is cracked (you must first repair before painting).
7.1.5 Repairs made and the paint does not match.
7.2 Any changes to the colors of the residence, trim, roof shingles or tiles, or any other structure on the Property requires prior express written approval by the ARB through the formal ARB application process.
7.2.1 The color palette shall include no more than one color for the walls, one color for the trim, and a third, complimentary color for the front door is permitted. The fascia board and flashing/drip edge must be the color of the trim or may be painted white. If your home has shutters, they must be painted the color of the trim or the color of the front door. The garage door must match color of the body of the house.
7.2.2 Samples of all colors shall be submitted with the ARB application for the review and approval by the ARB. In general, only earth tones that are consistent with the design of the neighborhood will be approved.
7.2.3 Bright shades of primary colors or fluorescent colors will not be permitted.
7.2.4 All paint should be of a quality and type meant for exterior use and shall be limited to flat finish only. Semi-gloss or gloss paint finishes will not be permitted.
7.2.5 All painting must be completed in a professional manner.
7.3.1 Driveways and walkways must be pavers.
7.3.2 No painting of driveway pavers, paver walkways, or sidewalks will be permitted. No sealing or application of anything that would change the color of the sidewalks, paver walkways, or driveway pavers will be permitted. Any paver sealer must be clear, and approval must be secured from the ARB before applying sealer.
7.3.3 Any repair or replacement of pavers will be done with the same type and color of existing pavers and requires ARB preapproval.
7.4 Only single solid colors are permitted on the exterior walls of the residence. One color for the wall and one color for the trim. Garage doors must be one solid color and must match the color of the body of the house. Murals or any other type of artistic design will not be permitted.
7.5 Garage door window trim must be painted the same color as the rest of the garage door. Windows of garage door are not to be painted.
7.6 Mold must be eliminated from the exterior of the home.
7.7 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 8 – Porches and Patios
8.1 All construction and installation of porches or patios added to the residence by the OWNER must have prior express written approval by the ARB. The ARB will apply certain restrictions as to the location, size, height, design and materials.
8.1.1 As an example, all roofs must be of pitched design and be covered by the same shingle or tile as used on the rest of the residence.
8.1.2 Any walls or pillars must consist of a stucco finish, and all windows must be made of glass.
8.1.3 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 9 – Window Air Conditioning Units
9.1 No window air conditioning units will be permitted under any circumstances.
9.2 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 10 – Lawn Art
10.1 Lawn art is subject to the approval of the ARB and must be in accordance with the following guidelines:
10.1.1 The size must not be more than 18 inches in height and must fit in a box not more than 24 inches square at the base.
10.1.2 The color must be earthtones that are consistent with the scheme of the neighborhood.
10.1.3 The number of objects must be limited to not more than three per Lot.
10.1.4 Objects cannot indicate a religious, racial or political message.
10.2 These guidelines do not apply to temporary holiday decorations. Any holiday decorations must be removed within 3 weeks of the end of the holiday.
10.3 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 11 – Outdoor Furniture
11.1 Heavy decorative or wood chairs are permitted in the front area of the property. Chairs, benches, rockers, stools, or any other type of seats placed in the front of the property may not be made of resin, fabric, or plastic.
11.2 No furniture is permitted to be left out overnight without submitting an ARB application and securing approval.
11.3 If the homeowner desires outdoor furniture to be permanent, it requires submitting an ARB application and securing approval.
11.4 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 12 – Basketball Backboards
12.1 No permanent basketball backboards will be permitted.
12.2 ALL temporary basketball backboards must be pre-approved by the ARB before their use will be permitted.
12.3 Temporary basketball backboards must be brought adjacent to the house when not in use. They are not to be left in the street, near the street, on the sidewalk, or anywhere else that is not adjacent to the house.
12.4 Basketball backboards must be 48 inches or less in width. Backboards must be a size and shape consistent for amateur or residential use. The ARB has full authority to determine whether a backboard is not consistent with the neighborhood.
12.5 Backboards must be of a color and shape that is consistent with residential use. The ARB has full authority to determine whether a backboard is not consistent with the neighborhood.
12.6 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 13 – Maintenance of Emerald Forest Subdivision Exterior Brick Wall
13.1 No vines or vegetation of any kind is permitted to grow on or touch the brick wall (located on Buena Vista Woods Boulevard, South Apopka-Vineland Road, and Darlene Drive) surrounding the Emerald Forest subdivision. No vines or vegetation will be permitted to grow in such a manner as to hang over the brick wall.
13.2 The Board of Directors of the Emerald Forest Homeowners Association has complete authority to maintain the brick wall (located on Buena Vista Woods Boulevard, South Apopka-Vineland Road, and Darlene Drive) surrounding the Emerald Forest subdivision in a manner they deem necessary to protect integrity of the wall itself as well the aesthetics of the appearance. This includes repair of the physical wall as well as the maintenance of the bushes, flowers, trees, vines, and all foliage growing near, around, on, or over the wall, as the root system as well as the exterior growth of such foliage has the capability to affect the structure and integrity of the wall. This complete authority includes permitting the association to trim –and in extreme cases remove– said foliage in order to protect the integrity of the wall as well as aesthetic appearance. This trimming includes –but is not limited to– a vertical line as drawn from the inside of the wall. If necessary, the Association has the implied permission to enter the property to perform this maintenance.
13.3 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 14 – Property Vegetation
14.1 No growing of fruits, vegetables, citrus, nuts, or any other edible trees, bushes, or plants may be planted, grown, or stored in the front of the property, or anywhere where it can be seen from the street while standing in front of the house.
14.2 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 15 – Pools
15.1 No above ground or temporary pools of any size will be permitted at any time or under any circumstance.
15.2 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 16 – Landscaping
16.1 Landscape edging must consist of natural color materials and be normally accepted edging material such as landscape blocks or bricks.
16.2 Black plastic edging must be installed properly. This means the edging must be buried up to the rolled lip.
16.2 ARB approval must be secured before making any landscape changes.
16.4 The addition and/or removal of any large trees defined as being 4 inch or greater in trunk diameter require the prior express written approval of the ARB.
16.5 Any dead landscaping must be removed. The homeowner is then required to submit an ARB application indicating whether they will be replacing it with the same, or entering a request to not replace the dead landscaping. Either way requires ARB approval.
16.6 Ornamental and Annual Landscaping that has died or is missing must be replaced. An ARB request must be submitted and approved before any changes are made.
16.7 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
Guideline No. 17 – Mailboxes
17.1 The mailbox must be kept in like-new condition.
17.2 The mailbox must be kept clean and mold free.
17.3 Chipped paint must be repaired and repainted. Suggested paint is a quart of Rustoleum Gloss White, brushed on, as spraying will not work.
17.4 Faded or broken flags can be replaced with a small purchase of a replacement flag from a home improvement store.
17.5 Mailbox numbers must be gold and match existing approved numbers. UNAPPROVED NUMBERS WILL RESULT IN COMMUNITY VIOLATION.
17.6 Approved mailboxes and parts can be acquired through: Creative Mailbox @ 813-818-7100 More information on Mailbox page
Guideline No. 18 – Miscellaneous
18.1 No vehicles may be parked outside the confines of your garage with a car cover. This includes vehicles parked in your driveway, on the street, or anywhere else within Emerald Forest.
18.2 All vehicles must be parked in the garage or on driveway. Under no circumstances are vehicles to be parked on lawns.
18.3 At no time are vehicles to be driven across any residential lawns.
18.4 In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, this is a living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
In conjunction with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Emerald Forest, the above constitutes this living document of changes and maintenance items that should be considered the minimum with jurisdiction by the ARB. It does not release the homeowner from submitting an ARB application and securing approval prior to beginning any work. ANY ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE NOT EXPLICITY DEFINED IN THESE GUIDELINES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND NOT PERMITTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.