
The amenities listed here are shared between the Emerald Forest and Diamond Cove communities. As Diamond Cove was established first, the administration and maintenance of these facilities were assigned to Diamond Cove and governed by this joint use agreement. Approximately 1/3 of your Emerald Forest HOA assessments goes toward monthly payments for the maintenance and upkeep of the facilities. EMERALD FOREST HOA DOES NOT CONTROL ACCESS OR ADMINISTRATION OF THE FACILITIES. Homeowners requiring a key fob for entry to the facilities should use this form. Questions about the facilities or their access should be directed to the address on the form.

Community Swimming Pool

The swimming pool is for your recreation and enjoyment. It is shared with the residents of Diamond Cove. Your enjoyment of the pool area will be greatly increased by observance of the pool rules. Please be considerate of other residents when inviting guests to swim in the pool. The resident must accompany guests.


Tennis Courts

These are located adjacent to the pool. Please be considerate of others waiting to use these areas and observe all rules listed. Remember, it is our facility and any damage to the area will come out of your Association Fees. If you see anyone breaking the rules, any activity after posted hours, or unauthorized visitors, please call the Orange County Sheriff’s Department immediately. The non-emergency number is 407-836-4357

Tennis Courts

Dock on Lake Crowell

Lake Crowell is a natural Lake. Fishing is permitted under the laws of the State of Florida. NON-MOTORIZED boats are permitted as well. Access to Lake Crowell is made from the Recreation Area via the path. Please do not cut through people’s yards to get to the lake. Swimming is discouraged because the condition of the water is unknown.

Dock on Lake Crowell